Old Updates

This is the year 2009 old updates of the site. To see the lastest news click here.


Here's the cover to the TPB of Captain Action, issues #0 through #5, due out in the Summer.

Captain Action, TPB, cover

Check the last mail from Renaud :


    Time Bomb, created and written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, art by Paul Gulacy.

    For Free Comic Book Day 2010, fans can read the first 8 pages of 4 incredible titles that will showcase Radical's innovative Bigger Books! Bigger Value!

    Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, the team behind Jonah Hex, deliver a trapped-in-time adventure set to explode with Time Bomb, featuring illustrations from award-winning comic legend Paul Gulacy (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight)

    32 pages, free.



    CABLE #24
    PENCILS: Paul Gulacy
    IN STORES: March 3, 2010


    Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to Paul & to the whole staff at www.Gulacy.com

    Renaud from Québec


A message from the webmaster :

         I'll be out of town 'till the 26th. Don't expect any update before this day. If you send me mails do not expect answer too before the 27th! Take care.


Here's the mail by Ed:

your work..on a minivan...in Maxim Magazine...


    This goes in the "now I've seen everything" category, Paul. Ed.


Take a look at the b&w cover of Legend of the Dark Knight issue #15

Logan's run, issue #6, cover

Now sold on Ebay.


A 1970's Shang Chi Color Pin-Up :

Logan's run, issue #6, cover

Now sold on Ebay.


Check the last mail from Renaud :

Jimmy Palmiotti talks Time Bomb:


    Pencils by Paul Gulacy! Renaud from Québec


Dave "TheBest" Lemieux's last mail :

Hi Matt!

    Guess what? Cafe Press has even more Paul Gulacy merchandise on sale. This time, it's a writing journal with Paul's cover to the Lady Action Special # 1. This journal is 5" x 8" with a laminated cover. This item is on sale at www.cafepress.com . Also check out the Lady Action poster by Paul.



Check out these new pages from Cable #21!

Logan's run, issue #6, cover


A message from the webmaster :

         I'll be out of town 'till next friday. Don't expect any update before this day. If you send me mails do not expect answer too before next saturday! Take care.


A word from Paul :

      Anyone that missed Paul's art that he did some time back for New York rap artists Necro and his brother Ill Bill,check it out here again for the first time.

      One of the most popular booths attended at Comicon this year was the new upstart company Radical Publishing. And also,one of the upcoming new titles that created quite a buzz is a World War Two epic entitled TIME BOMB created by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray.A number of artists were considered and we're thrilled to announce that by popular fan blog and editorial demand the art chores are going to Gulacy.

      "I'm really happy to be part of this considering I've been trying get a war comic going for quite some time. In fact, a year ago Bob Burden and I pitched a terriffic World War two story that involved Captain America and Nick Fury in post war China to Marvel but nobody bit, so, it looks like Radical gets to shine. I'm coming in with both barrels, so to speak. The TIME BOMB storyline is awesome. Very cinematic."

      And anyone in the vicinity of Malaga, Spain, November 17th to the 21st 2009, be sure to visit Paul at the Malaga Comic Festival. All sangria is on the house!


Here's the scan from "Logan's run", issue #6 from 1977:

Logan's run, issue #6, cover


I was in vacations for almost two weeks, and Renaud send me this mails to me :

Wolverine : Wendigo! #1
In Stores : January 6, 2010

Aeon Flux: The Complete Animated Collection on BluRay (Paul storyboarded "Isthmus Crypticus")
Amazon Exclusive out November 23, 2009

Black Widow: Web Of Intrigue Premiere Hardcover New release date is March 31 2010 Collects Paul' Bizarre Adventures #25

Support all things Gulacy!!

Renaud from Québec


A message from the webmaster :

         Hi there! Nothing to do with comics, but my forever motorcycle brand, Buell, is closing its doors:


A new commission work :

Daredevil and black Widow commission work


You know what? Babies do not wait! So I'm a little bit late to show you the last two mails by Dave "TheBest" Lemieux :

Hi Matt!

    Paul just confirmed that he is doing 11 pages of art for Cable # 21 due out on December 2nd.

    Regarding Renaud's comment about other cameo appearances by Paul in comics, I don't know of any others...although I suppose there could be some.

    It was funny how I noticed Paul's drawing of himself in Marvel Comics Presents # 29 on page 20 in the 6th panel. I actually own the original art page from that Coldblood story & in the larger-size format of the artwork, I noticed that the pedestrian crossing the street who is giving Coldblood the "thunbs up" sign was Paul. That's hilarious. I didn't even notice it at first, but that's him!

    We'll have to keep an eye peeled for other possible cameos.


Hi Matt!

    Paul has produced another great piece of Wonder Woman art (see attached scan) for a charity auction at the upcoming Wonder Woman Day IV in Portland, Oregon on October 25, 2009. The event is being held at Excalibur Comics in Portland. Paul will also be signing autographs that day. In fact, his art is featured on the promotional poster for this special Wonder Woman event (see 2nd attached scan).



Last mail by Renaud :

John Siuntres' excellent interview with Paul Gulacy has moved to a new location:



Storyboard artist Paul Gulacy is mentioned on the commentary track for the episode: "Isthmus Crypticus" available on disc 2 in the Aeon Flux
- The Complete Animated Collection DVD set.

The Hands of Shang-Chi in theaters in 2011? Is Paul involved? Is Doug Moench involved? They better be!

An awesome Daredevil and Black Widow commission not on Gulacy.com? (Yes it happens sometimes! - Matt)

Is this the only Gulacy cameo (Marvel Comics Presents # 29. Thanks Dave!)? Will we get more cool Paul cameo appearances in future comics?
Let's hope so.


Dave "TheBest" Lemieux's last mail :

Hi Matt!

    I have an update on Renaud's news about the delayed Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu # 1 One-Shot. According to the Diamond Comics website, this comic will be coming out on Wednesday September 30th. It is also scheduled to include 2 pin-ups by Paul featuring Shang-Chi & his father (see the illustations featured on your updates section).



Here's the very last mail by Renaud

CABLE #21 - Pencils Paul Gulacy - in stores : December 2, 2009

Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #1 aka Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu Black & Wwhite One-Shot has been delayed

Lady Action Special - Written by Tony Lee, pencils by Jake Minor, inks by Chad Hunt, colors by James Brown, cover by Paul Gulacy.
From the pages of Captain Action comes our sexy Brit super-spy in her very own kick-butt mission impossible! Lady Action discovers that once undercover, lies and deception follow. You need to be one step ahead to survive. It's a constant battle for the truth, as allegiances become flimsy. She is relentless, and will not stop for anything, or anyone. It's Lady Action vs the world in "The Death of Lady Action."
32 pages, $3.99.
In stores : December 2009

Black Widow : Web of Intrigue Pemiere HC
Written by George Perez, Ralph Macchio and Gerry Conway, penciled by Perez, Bob Layton, Paul Gulacy and George Freeman, covers by Perez.
It¹s been a long lively life for Natasha Romanova in the Avengers, the Champions, S.H.I.E.L.D. and elsewhere but could it end with her surrounded by international assassins? Old enemies and new are using her instructor, her mentor and her ex-husband against her or so it seems but who and what can be trusted in a spy¹s landscape of lies? Guest-starring Nick Fury, Jimmy Woo and other espionage experts!
Collecting Marvel Fanfare (1983) #10-13, Bizarre Adventures #25 and Black Widow : The Coldest War GN.
176 pages, $24.99.
In Stores : December 2009


Here's the last mail by Renaud

Cable Volume 3: Stranded Premiere Hardcover by Paul Gulacy is out February 10, 2010.

Nowhere Man by Hugh Jackman and Paul Gulacy is listed on www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1934413399/

THE CLASSIC MARVEL FIGURINE COLLECTION MAGAZINE The fabulous character featured this month is Shang-Chi (#111). Fully- authorized, hand-painted lead figurine sculpted by master craftsmen and based on original pieces of Marvel artwork. Each 3 1/2" figurine is individually numbered, comes stamped with the Marvel official logo, and comes packaged in its own box. The accompanying magazine provides a detailed history (Doug Moench, Paul Gulacy, etc) and background on the featured character, including exclusive images and interviews.
#111: SHANG-CHI—Magazine (w/Figurine), 16pgs, FC SRP: $12.00


Check this! New spot illustrations by Paul for the new upcoming Master Of Kung Fu issue #1!

Master of Kung Fu, new miniseries 2009, illustration Master of Kung Fu, new miniseries 2009, illustration


Dave "TheBest" Lemieux again, and again :

Hello again Matt!

    Moonstone Books and Captain Action Enterprises is now producing a Lady Action Mini Poster which features Paul's cover art to the upcoming Lady Action Special # 1. The poster is in COLOR and it measures 11" x 17". I already ordered my copy. It's available at www.cafepress.com/cptaction for $9.99. Attached is a scan of the poster as seen on the website.



Dave "TheBest" Lemieux again :

Hi Matt

    Has anyone else picked up Cable # 18 which came out last week? It continues the storyline from the 2 issues that Paul did in Cable # 16 & 17. Interestingly, Marvel found an artist (Gabriel Guzman) whose art style is very similar to Paul's. I almost did a double-take when I was first reading the story...just to make sure that it wasn't Paul's art. While somewhat similar, the art is not as detailed as Paul's and it doesn't have the multi-panel layouts of a scene that Paul often uses. Still, it was a good enjoyable story. Gabriel Guzman is also scheduled to illustrate Cable issues # 19 & 20. Check it out.


Who can stop Dave "TheBest" Lemieux?

Hi Matt

    There's another Paul Gulacy t-shirt on sale featuring his art from the retro cover of Captain Action # 5. It comes in various colors & sells for $21.99. It can be found at CafePress.com and is being produced in association with Captain Action Enterprises.



Here's Dave "TheBest" Lemieux's very last e-mail

    Hi Matt

    Attached is a scan of Paul's cover to Lady Action Special # 1 with the title logo and Moonstone Books emblem. This comic is due out in December.


And I just finished this page where you can see all the pages taken from Bizarre Adventure issue #25. Thanks to Won for sending me the scans!


The Walt Disney Company has agreed to purchase Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and its portfolio of 5,0000 characters in a stock and cash transaction worth $4 Billion. Check the CBR site to read more!


Here's Dave "TheBest" Lemieux's last e-mail

    Hi Matt

    Here are my 2 pieces of Gulacy news.

    First, Rude Dude Productions (Steve Rude's imprint) just released the Nexus: As It Happened Volume One TPB which features Paul Gulacy's cover art to issues # 1 & 2 of the Nexus magazine by Capital Comics both inside the book and on the front cover (in b&w). This smaller size book measures 6"x 9" and sells for $9.99.

    Second, the Jack Kirby Collector # 52 from TwoMorrows Publishing includes 2 unpublished Paul Gulacy Captain Victory covers in b&w. This series was never published due to Topps Comics going out of business. Paul produced the cover art only for the first two issues. (Webmaster Speaking : check the first one here and the second one there)

    Once again, congratulations Matt on the birth of little Manon. You've been a busy webmaster.



A message from the webmaster :

         A li'le Manon is born yesterday at 11:54 AM. She weighed 8.20 lbs, and she was 20 inches tall.

         Anne-Sophie, her mom, is well. Her brother, Paul, 21 months old now, does not seem to realize yet that he will have to protect his li'le sister in the futur! And, I, your favorite webmaster is really happy!


A word from Paul :

      Greetings All,

      Well, I had better get in here before Matt throws a fit. I know it's been forever for me to get in here myself and give an update and I apologize. It's a good idea for anyone just dropping in for the first time or for a while and surfing about has to realize that this site exists on a wing and a prayer. On top of us both putting long hours on our own jobs, we also have familes to tend to. It's really a miracle that this site exists at all particularly, when we both live in different countries and I don't speak French. Thank God Matt has a English Pocket Pal.

      Nevertheless, we're still working it. Hats off as to usual to contributers Beth Brozinski, Renaud Lefebvre and Dave Lemieux who entusiastically always pitch in. And by the way, I've visited other sites and I've come to the conclusion that quality of content will always trump fancy bells and whistles.

      Anyhoo, now, frankly as i sit, I'm a little reluctant to disclose any new information on current projects because much of it is in negotiation and developement. When the time comes I'll spill the beans. Right now this is what is slated: Creator-owned comic ideas being pitched to Dark Horse written by my old partner Doug Moench. Also being scheduled are Creepy horror stories again through Dark Horse. Creator-owned properties being presented to IDW,Vertigo/DC and Wildstorm. Waiting word from Marvel on more Cable books, a Wolverine/Wendigo one shot in the process of being wrapped up and another Jonah Hex beginning late September. Illustrations for a book on professional golf. In there somewhere i have to wash my car.

      When I get the heads up, it'll all be announced asap. Much is up in the air at this time.

      Before I come to a close, let's give a big, warm congratulations to Matt who recenty married his lovely girlfriend Anne-Sophie and announced that another baby is on it's way. Now this site will really look lousy. Just kidding!

      Again, those of you who are interested in any commission work, please don't hesitate to contact me. I have four parties ahead of you but it would'nt hurt to get in line. I do get time in between projects once in a while. If you're after original art, do drop by www.comicarthouse.com



      "I don't know where I'm going, but I know where I've been."


A message from the webmaster :

         Oups! Renaud from Quebec, just warns me that Cable issue #17 was out since yesterday.

         It seems that I'm little bit late on that news. But as not late as for issue #16, though!


A message from the webmaster :

         Oups! Renaud from Quebec, just warns me that Cable issue #16 was out since the first of July!

         It seems that I'm little bit late on that news.



James Bond


A blast from the past!

Buckaroo Banzai and friends! [The French movie poster version]

Buckaroo Banzai

Beth's column for august
   If Boobs Are So Bad, Why Do I Love Them So Much?
   Beth Delaney

         Obscenity laws are nothing new when it comes to entertainment or more specifically comic books. There was the dreaded Comics Code which still exists but largely gets ignored. This Wednesday, instead of just getting to enjoy the new shipment of shiny books, the owner of my shop said a local politician is up in arms about pornography being sold at a convenience store and she's going to try to ban it. This immediately made me concerned for the sake of the comics. Let's face it, comics take a beating when it comes to the feminist nazis out there. God forbid show a powerful woman who kicks ass but is wearing fishnets, the world just might end and all women will be back in the kitchen barefoot.

         It has always boggled my mind that sensual images of the female body are considered demeaning. I simply don't understand it and I've tried to. Powerful names like Oprah Winfrey and corporations like Dove tell girls to be proud of their bodies; so why is it shameful to show them off? Why is it harmful to want to look like a picture on a page? Is this problem really absent if the reader has a penis?

         The old advertisements in comic books promised boys they could be muscular and strong for just a couple dollars of investment in a program or product. I'm pretty sure there are still plenty of scrawny comic fans today that wouldn't mind bulking up. Perhaps the difference is that now the pale thin look of Fall Out Boy is popular enough to quell the attack on the male self esteem whereas female readers are too weak minded to be proud of their figures.

         A perfect example of the outcome of one person bitching about magazine covers is from last spring when I was doing my weekly grocery shopping. I turned into Rage Kitty a might quick when I saw that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue was covered with a black plastic guard while Shape, Mind & Body, Muscle & Fitness, and Cosmo were right where they always are, at child-eye level. My heart raced and pounded. My fury was enough to give Hulk a run for his money. Someone please explain to me why the Swimsuit Issue is offense?

         Well, my weak female mind hopes that such legislation will get laughed at and that I won't have anything to worry about. I will be staging a large coup if someone tries to ban the sale of comics with scantily clad female characters in my town.


A message from the webmaster :

         Common, everybody sings with me :
    Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, dear webmaster. Happy birthday to you!

Beth's column for july
   Politics in Recent Comics
   Beth Delaney

         As much as I love Marvel Editor Tom Brevoort, I have a bone to pick with him and others who feel the need to thrust their personal political viewpoints into comics. In particular, I'm referring to the death and rebirth of Captain America. Was the death symbolic? Indeed it was. Does it need to reflect someone personal agenda that the American government under President G.W. Bush was allegedly driving our country purposefully into economic crisis? No it does not. Nor does this month's hint at "rebirth" with July's promise of Cap: Reborn need to forcibly, "...reflect today's feeling of positivity [and] a world in which we want to believe in heroes again, that good men can triumph and that we can be our own better selves." (Brevoort's words from Marvel.com).

         I want to meet Brevoort and writer Ed Brubaker and express how much it hurt me personally to see the death of Captain America. It's just a comic book and on that day, I cried. I cried not only because of the artwork showing Cap's flag-inspired costume being shot down like a dog while he was on trial for Treason; but I cried because I had to go home and see my husband's reaction to his all time favorite hero since he was little boy.

         This same political agenda is forced down my throat by another one of my personal favorite creators, Alex Ross. I love his work and can't get enough of it. I truly think he's an icon to the industry. However, his Black Terror series with Dynamite Entertainment (a spinoff of Project Superpowers), did not even veil his contempt of the former President nor his religious zeal for President Obama. Black Terror is a glorious comic book, don't get me wrong. It's written very well, especially issue #2. And of course the art under the direction of Ross, is superior to many books on the shelves. Yet, the past couple of years of comics, I really felt like I was being preached to by the Cult of Obama Archbishops within the Dioceses of Comic Books.

         As a fan and critic, I can recommend both Captain America and Black Terror, but as a freedom-loving American who happens to read comics, I'm over them.


More news by Dave "Thebest" Lemieux"!

    Hi Matt

    Paul's two part Cable story (in issues # 16 & 17) hasn't even been published yet and Marvel is already collecting it in a TPB edition which is being solicited by amazon.com for October 14, 2009. See the attached link for details


And what Paul sent me tonight?

Sneak peek scenes from Cable #16.Check it out!

Beth's column for june
   The Hazards of Costumed Citizens
   Beth Delaney

   It pains me to think that something which has become a major part of my life, comics and costuming, has gone down a dark road with a lot of potential for people to get hurt. I'm talking about this phenomenon called Real Life Super Heroes (RLSH) where average people dress up in their costumes and patrol the streets of their cities. I have so many problems with this that my head is about to explode thinking about it. You are not the Twilight Guardian, Batman or Captain America. You are a regular human being with limitations.

         Is it a noble idea to want to better your community? Sure it is. However, this is not a comic book, People. This is real life where you do not have Batman's superior martial arts skills and intelligence. You do not possess the protection of a rock hard exterior like Thing. You can't phase through a wall like Shadowcat.

         Let me express that I do completely support using a superhero identity to help with charity events (I do plenty of this myself), school programs, reading programs at libraries, and all of the options that exist where no one is in harm's way. I come from a family that is very community-minded. I think it is extremely important for everyone to do what they can to make their neighborhoods better.

         However, there are professionals in law enforcement that you have to consider and for everyone's sake, I hope you do. Picture a cop coming upon a scene that was only described by Dispatch as being a disturbance or fight. He gets to the scene and sees someone with a covered face and a tactical belt filled with unknown items. That person is going toe to toe with a guy wearing jeans, a tank top and has a bandana on his head. The cop has no idea that Lord Darkity Dark of Justice is "the good guy." If that cop has to deal with the distraction of a costumed "hero" that takes focus of the other individual. Now if you take the worst case scenario, where the cop draws a gun and someone gets shot - well, that will ruin his life in terms of guilt, desk duty, years of therapy, and a possible loss of income not to mention being sued (which happens all the time) for not using his best judgment.

         The following is an excerpt taken from the worldwide registry of these so called superheroes who post every bit of media attention on their website:

         (The gang hits the streets of New York to help less fortunate people by Vanessa Tyler, wpix.com Staff reporter - May 14, 2009) The "Dark Guardian" has made it his mission to rid Washington Square Park of drug dealers and some have even confronted him. He says, "We've had people flash a gun at us. But I'm not backing down."

         To illustrate my point, these "superheroes" claim that they only tote what they are legally allowed within the law and for some that includes devices like pepper spray. Let me explain something: real criminals don't care about your legal pepper spray when they have illegal firearms and possibly a large gang to back them up. People who are like this Dark Guardian or another called Nyx (NJ) who carries mace, a tazer and a baton, are looking for a thrill and looking to get hurt. They are purposefully endangering themselves and causing problems for law enforcement. There are others in this worldwide registry who are recognize the potential for physical danger and limit their activities to delivering goods to the homeless and helping with fundraising for local charities.

         What other problems is this fad causing? There is talk that more anti-mask laws will be passed. Yep, just like the comics. Most schools and plenty of businesses already have rules in place prohibiting the wearing of face coverings and carrying anything that could be considered a weapon. The Metropolitan Museum of Art wouldn't even allow fans to don their costumes during the Superheroes exhibit they had in 2008 because of the security issues of masks and (fake) weaponry. For another example, the Halloween Parade at my nieces' elementary school has so many rules that it's not even fun; family members are not allowed near their children; the children are herded through a fenced area and parade around the baseball field; no fake weapons, ropes or props are allowed. We live in a time where we are surveilled constantly. Security forces need to identify people for the safety of others and the businesses they work for. While I don't agree with this much surveillance, I certainly do not want the government to remove yet another freedom and one as silly as how a person chooses to dress with the passing of anti-mask laws. Many states have anti-mask laws instituted already, though not well known, because of the times during the civil rights movement and the harmful measures of the KKK.

         New York has had such a law since 1965 and it has been modified and currently reads:
               An assemblage in public houses or other places of three or more persons disguised by having their faces painted, discolored, colored or concealed, is unlawful, and every individual so disguised, present thereat, is guilty of a misdemeanor; but nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any peaceful assemblage for a masquerade or fancy dress ball or entertainment, or any assemblage therefor of persons masked, or as prohibiting the wearing of masks, fancy dresses, or other disguise by persons on their way to or returning from such ball or other entertainment; if, when such masquerade, fancy dress ball or entertainment is held in any of the cities of this state, permission is first obtained from the police authorities in such cities respectively for the holding or giving thereof, under such regulations as may be prescribed by such police authorities.

         If you are one of these individuals that claims to be a hero, please take some more time to examine what it is you are doing. If you are helping the homeless, teaching kids to read through the use of comics as a medium, or drawing attention at a charity event, then I applaud you and thank you. If you like helping through first aid, then join a volunteer rescue squad or fire department. If you want to fight criminals, go to the academy, get a badge and kevlar and do the job right. If you just like seeking thrills, then go bungie jumping instead and wear your costume as you jump off the bridge. You'll still make the headlines you so obviously desire.


Here's the last mail by Renaud



http://marvel.com/catalog/?id=12496 (70TH FRAME VARIANT by Rob Liefeld)

Renaud from Quebec


News about the next Jonah Hex here!


More scans from Roger!

Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales
Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales Weird Western Tales

Beth's column for may
   The Sociology of the Geeksapien
   Beth Delaney

   If you're a modern day nerd then you have seen this week's The Big Bang Theory on CBS. This is a show that embraces the different levels of nerdcore from lispy scientists to comic-loving engineers who have a scheduled HALO night. You get it all on Big Bang.

   This week's episode The Hofstadter Isotope brings the beautiful actress wannabe Penny into the secret sanctum of her nerdy neighbors Leonard, Sheldon, Raj and Howard. When Penny tries to shop at the boys' local comic shop, her mind reaches the brink of exploding out of her cranium.

         Penny - “Do you think my nephew would like this (comic book)?”

         Sheldon - “Perfect. He just has to be familiar with Infinite Crisis, 52, Countdown, Final Crisis and the re-emergence of the multiverse.”

         Penny - “What’s the Multiverse?”

   At which point Sheldon turns to Leonard and orders that Penny be removed immediately.

   But Sheldon has a valid point. How can a person buy a comic related gift for someone else? How can someone who has been away from comics for years return? Luckily, with access to places like Wikipedia and ComicVine.com, it's not so hard to get caught up.

   When it comes to gift giving comics, there's a detailed interview process involved. As a comic shop girl, I try to help a lot of people looking for gifts when the shoppers themselves have no clue. I think they assume all comics are Spider-man and that there are no other choices. I ask them the usual line of questioning:

                   I need a gift for my friend.
         Do you know what he likes?
                   No. I just know he likes comics.
         How about superheroes? Does he like Spider-man or Batman or Superman?
                   I don't know. He saw the movies. Does that help?
         Did he like the movies?
                   I don't know
         What about zombies? We have lots of zombies.
                   I don't know. Maybe.
                   They make westerns? Like Clint Eastwood? Well, I think it's cool but he wouldn't.
         Something more gritty?
                   I'm not sure. I suppose.
         Does he have Watchmen? If not, take this.

   Their eyes glaze over and start to roll back like the membrane of a shark's eyes when turned upside-down. And that's pretty much how it happens. Now I'm not taking credit for Watchmen still being the number one best-selling graphic novel on the New York Times list but sometimes, there's nothing else to go on when people are shopping cold for someone else.

   There are also non-book gifts to consider. Oodles of merchandising from floor to ceiling are in most comic shops. Very often it's the price factor that keeps people from giving a 24" Thor statue or even a $50 video game.

   If you're in the other situation where you love comics but have been out of it for a while, then you could delve into the world of podcasting to get different perspectives of what's hot and what's interesting. My favorite above all is Comic Geek Speak and their various spin-offs like World of Toys and Exploring Bede. (comicgeekspeak.com) Plus, for bantering back and forth with other fans, there are forums for just about everything pop culture related. I had the pleasure of hanging out with the CGS hosts and other podcasters during the spring sale at Wild Pig Comics in NJ. Mind you I was dressed as Marvel's Firestar at the time. One of them asked me an interesting question: do a lot of guys talk me to death or are they all afraid of me because I'm a girl at a comic shop? It was a good question. Truth be told, what happens is that I try to talk to a lot of people but instead what happens is only a few can be distracted from a 50% off sale and that's usually because they simply need to come up for air. I feel like I have to initiate the conversation and since I'm a comic noob, I probably get that glazed over look that I usually give to non-nerd customers.

   Now, if you happen to be from one of the other points of view, say perhaps you're like Big Bang's Raj who can't talk to girls without the aid of alcohol to dull your teflon emotional shields, then head over to the Girls Entertainment Network (girlsentertainmentnetwork.com). No, it's not porn for geeks. It's a site where the contributing writers are girls who cover gaming, comics, television, movies, and gadgets. If typing to pretty girls about Dark Reign is easier than trying to talk to one of these elusive creatures at a con, then register at the site and also on their forums. Be prepared to be pwnd, however - most of them are fearless and I'm not saying that because I'm their new fledging. Even I find them intimidating, but the truth is the GEN girls are sweet and well-informed. Above all, they are fans too. A very similar site is MyNerdGirl.com. Same premise - nerdy girls online typing about their favorite episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or the latest gadget tech and a gorgeous photo gallery of featured femme fatales who are obsessed with horror movies and attend Fangoria.


Shang Chi!

Shang-Chi, commission piece, 2009


Vampi returns!


Beth's column for march
   Living Out a Fantasy
   by Beth Delaney

   There are a couple of shows on TV where average people are given the chance to live out their "character fantasy." It could be anything like a stay-at-home mom who dreams of being a burlesque dancer to an accountant that's always wanted to try extreme sports. Considering how much stresses we have these days, I have come to appreciate putting fantasies into practice. Usually as soon as the word "fantasy" is mentioned people's minds head right into the gutters. Please. That's not it at all. If you have something missing from your life, chances are you daydream about being someone else or at least somewhere else.

   For children, it's so easy. They probably don't understand why adults no longer PLAY. We should play. As a child, Playing Pretend was right up there with Playing School for me on things I enjoyed. I loved it. My cousin and I would pretend to be members of the Superfriends and fly around his backyard, climbing over the swingset and landing forcefully. Adding that to my mother's talents for costume making and it's no surprise that eventually I found my way into adult superhero costuming and modeling.

   Okay, so I'm not a "real model." I don't get paid and I'm not 100 pounds. Nonetheless, I don my supersuits and volunteer to make appearances at NJ comic book shops and fundraisers. Through the networking opportunities at Model Mayhem's website, I even found a local photographer that is giving me professional pictures of my supersuits - something I've always dreamed about. Our first photoshoot was on a beautiful and chilly Thursday morning at his studio. I knew there was more to modeling than just finding an attractive subject and pointing a camera at it. We spent more time on test shots to get the fabrics properly lit than actual finished posed shots. When it came to the posed shots, it's a good thing I had two pilates classes that week because trying to stand still with hips rotated, back arched and bust out while standing tippy-toed balancing on a wire box that was about to be crushed by weight left me fatigued from the challenge. Sound uncomfortable? It was but I'm sure it'll make a great shot.

   Inspiration for living out your (non-X-rated) fantasies:

         USA Network TV show "Character Fantasy"

         Live Action Role Playing

         Costume Making Community

         Model Mayhem

Here's the last mail by Renaud

From DESPERADO PUBLISHING in stores 06/24/09

(W) Don McGregor (A) Paul Gulacy

This limited edition hardcover is signed and numbered by Sabre creator Don McGregor in anticipation to the upcoming new original Sabre graphic novel. Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ground-breaking release of the comic that changed the marketplace forever with Don McGregor and Paul Gulacy's epic tale of the most explosive hero in comics!

HC, 6x9, 64pgs, B&W. APR09 0795 SABRE 30TH ANN HC S/N SRP: $24.99

Renaud from Quebec


Bond and Fury!

James Bond Nick Fury and Black Widow


Four more commission works!

Daredevil Catwoman Catwoman Vampirella


Here's another mail by Renaud

DR. FATE: COUNTDOWN TO MYSTERY features art by Paul Gulacy


MILF MAGNET #1 (Paul Gulacy variant) is out in stores


Renaud from Quebec


Here's the last mail by Renaud

The Phantom Gallery cards by Intrepid


Card 55 is by Paul Gulacy

Renaud from Quebec


Two more commission works!

Batman James Bond


I found this on E-bay, if you have some money left...

The Vision


A word from Paul :


      I just want to let everyone know that if you are interested in getting any commission work, now is the time to contact me. I have a window of time between scripts so let me know.

Master of Kung-Fu recreation, cover issue #18 Master of Kung-Fu recreation, cover issue #47

      And who can forget this classic character from the 80's? Check out this pencil drawing of Slash Maraud.

Pencil drawing of Slash Maraud

Here's the last mail by Renaud

All 15% off!

THUNDER Agents Companion (Unpublished GULACY story/art)


Back Issue 26 (illustrated GULACY and MOENCH interview)


Captain Action (never-before-published/classic GULACY art)


Comic Book Artist Collection 3 (illustrated GULACY and MOENCH interviews + new art)


Rough Stuff 2 (illustrated interview with PAUL on his amazing career)


Renaud from Quebec


Our friend Grace Randolph takes the mike to the street.


Take a look at a fan favorite: the Vision

The Vision

Mike Stradford in kung fu gear ready to rock. Mike,a pal of Paul's who works for Sony Entertainment is responsible for putting together the art booklet in the Spider-Man DVD Collector's Edition.

Mike Stradford in kung fu gear ready to rock

Beth's column for February
   The battle for the superhero video game has begun! For years now, City of Heroes/Villains (CoX) has been the only MMORPG on the market. Then there was development of a Marvel game and to top it off, it was going to be developed by the same company as CoX , Cryptic Studios which had to sell off part of their joint venture so that NC Soft could go back out on their own to continue the distributing and any new development of CoX. Cryptic and Marvel d idn't last too long before pulling the plug on their Marvel MMO.

   Shortly thereafter, the superhero tabletop RPG Champions decided to get in on the act. Cryptic took the work they had done on Marvel and CoX (some of the CoX developers went with Cryptic after the split) and have begun the Champions Online game. After viewing one of the four demos at NYCC, I wasn't very impressed. It's not bad just doesn't look as good as CoX or even as good as the DC Comics Universe Online which is barely off the ground. However, it's completely understandable that by issue 14, CoX has had many years of development and feedback to get things this far along in pleasing finicky gamers.

   Speaking of DCUO, their demos won't show too much at this point but there is some gameplay to sample. They are far from beta testing at this point while Champions is already issuing beta invitations publicly. To fill you in, you will be creating an original character which has opportunities to interact with DC characters; so, NO, you cannot be Batman. There's a different approach to the interaction with the NPCs - depending on how you act with your character, it will alter how they respond to you. For example, if Batman does give you instructions and you don't follow it, he will be a bastard to you next time!

   World of Warcraft certainly isn't going anywhere either but if fantasy/medieval isn't your thing, why play it? With DCUO a long way off, Champions might pick up a small sliver of the MMO marketplace; however, for 2009, City of Heroes/Villains will still be the top comic book themed MMO. If the MMO community isn't where your game is, then by all means, DC vs. Mortal Kombat and Marvel Ultimate Alliance are still out there.


Here's the last mail by Stu

    Hi Matt,

    I actually picked up the Sabre HC last Thursday (19-02-2009) from a LCS in Oz.

    It is about 90% of the height and width of a standard comic.

    So it is out already!



A present sent by Dave "Thebest" Lemieux :

Sabre 30th anniversay edition

And now his last mail :

    Hi Matt

    Thanks for sharing that Luke Skywalker/Princess Leia commission piece done by Paul. It's very impressive. Paul has captured the characters perfectly.

    Anyway, you know how we never got to see Paul do a Star Wars cover for Crimson Empire I or Crimson Empire II. Well, a German comics fanizine called "Hit Comics" came up with a computer composed cover for Issue # 10 of their fanzine (which reviewed various Star Wars comics) that used Paul's artwork from the 1st Crimson Empire series. I've attached a scan of the cover to Hit Comics # 10 from 1999 by Karicartoon (the publisher). Art for this cover was taken from Crimson Empire # 3, page 6 (foreground) & Crimson Empire # 3, page 1 (background). So that's what a Gulacy Star Wars cover would look like.

Hit Comics, issue #10, cover



02/19/09 bis repetita

Luke and Leia

Luke and Leia

A Master of Kung Fu retro cover for a private collector.

Master of Kung-Fu recreation, cover issue #18


Here's the last mail by Renaud

    On Sale May 6, 2009

Jonah Hex #43, cover


    Renaud from Quebec

Todd, if you read this, web-matt@gulacy.com a blank mail, I think I messed up with your e-mail address


A message from the webmaster :

Today I'm prettey sad. Lycos Europe will die. And with it Multimania. It was there that thsi site was born in 1997!. RIP.


A message from the webmaster :

I had a problem with my computer lately. Guess who help me bringing it back online?


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 34 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 35 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 36 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 39


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 17 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 20 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 21 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 22

Here's the last mail by Renaud


PENCILS : Paul Gulacy
IN STORES : July 1, 2009


Renaud from Quebec


Here's the last mail by Renaud

Marvel Digital Comics featuring the work of Paul Gulacy


Renaud from Quebec

More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 6 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 7 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 8 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 9


Here's the last mail by Paul :

            Friends, Romans and fellow geeks,

     Let me finally get in here and say a few words. It's been a while since any update because of major intense remodeling taking place at our home. That would be me and my new wife Nanci that I married back in December. She was the gal in the photo with me posted under Photos for quite some time. A new pic is up with more to follow.

     Many of you have been inquiring what my new projects are and as of now to start with I'll be taking a break from any commission work for the time being. I want to thank everybody who made contact requests and I will announce down the line when I'm able to get back to doing more. It was a lot of fun.

     Okay, new projects -- Right now as I sit, we have a Jonah Hex in the can that should be out very shortly written by Jimmy Palmiotti. I'm swinging over to Marvel to work on two issues of Cable. That would be issues #16 and #17 with the prospect of continuing on the series. Editor Axel Alonso also wants a Wolverine one-shot in there somewhere. Another iron in the fire is a Black Widow mini series being pitched by Jimmy P.

     There are also discussions going on with Mike Richardson for a new Crimson Empire series. All of this is swirling around and we'll have to wait and see what happens. You'll be the first to know.

     While I'm at it , I want to let all you know that if you ever get the chance, make sure that you drop into the Boston Con. Nanci and I had a wonderful time in a great town with awesome hosts, venue and terrific fans earlier this month. They truely keep the torch lit with fired up enthusiasm for the industry. We would go back in a minute.

     Lastly, I want to thank all contributers - Renaud, Dave Lemieux, Beth Grosinski, Grace Randolph, Roger and my man Matt over there in France whom without him this thing would never exist. Hail to the webmaster chief!

     See ya soon,


Catwoman kicks it old school with the Bat

Batman Catwoman

More scans from Roger!

James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond


More scans from Roger!

James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond


More scans from Roger!

James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond


More scans from Roger! This time they are taken from "Green Lantern : Dragon Lord" issue #2

James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 43 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 45 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 47 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 48

And that's the end for book One. Here are all the B&W pages available for this book.


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 35 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 36 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 39 James Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 40

Here are all the B&W pages available from book one.


More scans from Roger!

James BondJames Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 17 James BondJames Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 20 James BondJames Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page21 James BondJames Bond Serpent's Tooth Book Book One, page 22

Here are all the B&W pages available from book one.


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 32 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 36 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 38 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 42

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 44 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 45 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 46 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 48

And that's the end for book two. Here are all the B&W pages available for this book.

A word from Paul :


Make sure you post this up.

It's great.




More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 28 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 29 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 30 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 31

Here are all the B&W pages available.


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 18 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 19 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 23 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 25


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 8 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 9 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 10 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 11

Here are all the B&W pages available.

More B&W found on the 'net :

Turok Dinausor Hunter, issue #31, page 17, inked Turok Dinausor Hunter, issue #32, page 11, inked Eternal Warrior Eternal Warrior

Legend of the Dark Knight, issue #122, page 1 Legend of the Dark Knight, issue #122, page 6 Legend of the Dark Knight, issue #122, page 7 Turok Timewalker

Here's the last mail by Paul :


I'm finally upgrading! I buy a new mac today.

I may be offline for a day or two.


And here's my answer :

Well, you bought a Mac, so you’ll be offline for a WEEK or two!


More seriously, if you want to reach Paul by mail, don't expect an answer for a day or two!


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 6 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 7


Still more scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 4 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 5


More scans from Roger!

James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 2 James Bond Serpent's Tooth, Book Two, page 3


If you're near Boston this week-end, don't forget to go to the Boston Comic Con!

Consider yourself lucky you were never on His list.Get ready for Jonah Hex issue 43 coming to your shops soon.

Shang-Chi, commission piece for collectors, 2009


More news by Dave "Thebest" Lemieux"!

    Hi Matt

    The SABRE HC came out today (Feb 11th)!!! (It didn't take until March 31st after all.) Now to sit down and enjoy it.......all over again.



More news by Dave "Thebest" Lemieux"!

    Hi Matt

    The new release date for the Sabre 30th Anniversary HC edition from Desperado Publishing (with a new Gulacy cover & a new introduction by Don McGregor) is 3/30/2009. Several websites (including Buy.com & Booksamillion.com) have listed this new release date.

    If anyone would like to see a preview of Paul's new cover for the Sabre 30th Anniversary HC edition in COLOR, check out the comic book Monsterpocalypse # 3 by Desperado Publishing which came out on Wednesday February 4th. It has a full-page COLOR ad featuring Paul's new cover. Very awesome. Check it out



Paul will be attending at the Boston Comic Con, in April.

Here is the cover to Captain Action issue #1 :

Cover to Comic Buyers Guide unknown issue


Another mail sent by Jim :

    Subject : Gulacy What If...

    thanks very much, I look forward to reading more about “Serpent’s Tooth.”

    I thought that was a great series, even if Gulacy made Bond look more like Ronald Reagan than Timothy Dalton…

    Also, it is probably impossible for legal reasons, but I still hope that one day there will be a James Bond/Batman story by Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy.

    Not very likely, I know, but with comics the way they are these days, I try to remain hopeful.

                Best, Jim

And one by Renaud

    May 2009.

    Renaud from Quebec


Todd, if you read this, web-matt@gulacy.com a blank mail, I think I messed up with your e-mail address


Here are the two mails Dave re-sent me again last night!

    Hi Matt

    I just talked with Paul yesterday & he hasn't heard anything about the status of the Nowhere Man comic since Virgin Comics was bought out by Liquid Comics on Setember 24, 2008. Paul did clarify for me that he completed a cover only for issue # 0, but no actual artwork for the 16 page story before the plug was pulled. Previews reported back in August of 2008 that Marko Djurdjevic had done the cover, so 1 of these covers was most likely going to have been a variant cover. That's all we know. I'll keep you posted.

    Also, I just found a British website called MI6 which is devoted to James Bond comics & films that has comprehensive reviews of all 3 Serpent's Tooth issues by Doug Moench & Paul. The reviews were conducted in 2005 and they provide a fairly in-depth analysis of Paul's artwork, cover design and storytelling technique on each issue as well as summarizing the plots of the individual books. Lots of color art too. It's worth a lot. These reviews can be found at :
    - www.mi6.co.uk/sections/comics/st1_review.php3,
    - www.mi6.co.uk/sections/comics/st2_review.php3,
    - and www.mi6.co.uk/sections/comics/st3_review.php3.

    Talk with you soon, Matt!


    Hi Matt

    Here's an update. Moonstone Books and Captain Action Enterprises are now producing the Paul Gulacy Captain Action # 0 retro t-shirt in 8 different colors. Attached is a scan of the t-shirt in "royal blue". These t-shirts are available to order at www.cafepress.com/cptaction. The Paul Gulacy Captain Action # 0 mousepad is also still available. It's a Gulacy universe after all.


... I just get a problem with my computer, it was shuting down, then powering up all the time. I was unable to do anything... Things look to be back to normal. Sorry Dave.

Beth's column for January
   Asia on Ice
   by Beth Delaney

   It's the launch of comic con season starting with New York in February for 2009. For fans traveling out in the bitter cold, this is the first opportunity of the year to get insight from the publishers about the biggest news in crises, invasions, overlords and resurrections. Time to get out your winterized Batsuits because this is no time for spandex! That won't stop the die-hard costumers though – they sacrifice comfort for this one weekend a year at the Javits Center.

   Last year, a considerable amount of NYCC attendees remarked about the huge increase in Japanese anime and manga fans. Some traditional comic fans felt a little threatened that their con was being overtaken. How can you blame them when a few months after NYCC is the NY Anime Fest?

   Basically, you have to suck it up. NYCC is more than American comics these days. There's plenty of infiltration going on whether it's movies or video gaming not to mention the hugely popular RPG arena. DC Comics has certainly embraced the philosophy of “crossing over” from making their Batman RIP event hit almost every title to crossing into other media like DC vs. Mortal Kombat in console gaming and the just-about-ready-to-launch DCU Online MMO; The Batman has also been seduced into scene with the manga series Death Mask and the hugely successful animated movie Gotham Knight.

   So focus your chi and get ready to explore some of Japan. Since it's the bitter cold days of winter just weeks before NYCC, get into the spirit by finding out about the Sapporo Snow Festival in Hokkaido. If you're interested in actually experiencing the wonder of the land that gave us Godzilla and Hello Kitty, then the Cold Steel Tour might be just the thing for you. It runs January 30-February 7, 2009 through Pop Japan Travel (http://www.popjapantravel.com/tours/13/Cold_Steel_Tour_2009). The Sapporo Snow Festival is part of that tour. The main attraction is the showcase of ice and snow architectural sculptures but there are also competitions where you can see characters like Nemo or Lilo & Stitch in the snow. They even build large slides of ice for those that want to put their snowpants to good use. While you're there, you can get your drink on at the Bailey's Irish Cream ice bar, as long as you can tolerate sitting on barstools made of ice, have yours on the rocks for good measure.

   And if that's not enough ice for you hop on over to China for the Harbin Ice Festival where they kick it up a notch and illuminate their fantastical ice sculptures with a rainbow of colors. For a great glimpse of the creativity check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy9Sy5pZTFY

   But for those of you stuck on the East Coast of the good ol' US of A, there is NYCC rapidly approaching. And if you want to really brave more ice, visit Mt. Holly, New Jersey for the Fire & Ice Festival featuring a chili contest and ice sculptures: http://fireandicefestival.com/

Last year's 1st Place winner in the Amateur contest, Nick Ziegler, sculpted one of the Star Trek Enterprises.

And I found this on Ebay :

Comic Buyers Guide unknown issue#, cover

Working on making bigger thumbnails for the site, I found on the 'net two better scans of these covers below

Miracle Man
Miracle Man


A message from the webmaster :

Happy new year!

Website maintained by Matt

Last modification February 24, 2025