This is the year 2003 old updates of the site. To see the lastest news click here.
Here's the 27th cover of Catwoman
A North-american company is doing an art of Gulacy book. More details as I learn more.
Now the 18th page from Catwoman issue #26
Another page from the 25th issue of Catwoman.
Here's the cover to the 26th issue of Marvel Comics Presents".
Another page from the 25th issue of Catwoman.
Paul will be in Toronto, Canada, next week for the Toronton ComicCon. Click here to read more
You'll find here a page from the 25th issue of Catwoman, and there another one.
Just some words to thanks all the guys who help me keeping this site up to
date. Lately, it's Gustavo who kept sending me mails, until I did use them to
fix broken links and so on. Thanks Gustavo.
Keep the mail coming guys!
Here's a mail that Dave sent me yesterday :
....I wanted to enclose a scan of the latest Gulacy cover for a children's HC book called Batman's Guide to Crime & Detection. It was just published in 2003 by DK Publishing Inc. in New York. The cover for this book was taken from the 1st panel on Page 10 of Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 137 (the Batman: Terror storyline). The DC artists whose (previously published) Batman artwork was used in this book were thanked (for the use of their work) inside the book. Unfortunately, they overlooked giving Paul credit for the cover. An oversight I'm sure. Anyway, we all recognize the work. And it looks quite nice! |
Here's a third page from the 25th issue of Catwoman.
Todd my friend, I lost your e-mail address. Can you sent me a blank mail? Thanks.
Here's another page from the 25th issue of Catwoman.
Here's another page from the 25th issue of Catwoman.
Wanna see a really awesome cover? Click here!
Here's the second page to Catwoman #25
Thanks to Stu, , check the cover to Marvel Comics Presents, issue #68.
I'm just back from my favourite comic book shop in Paris, and here's what I came back with.
Thanks to Jan, here's the second cover of Hawkeye by Paul.
Here's the seventh uninked page from Catwoman #25
Here's the sixth uninked page from Catwoman #25
Here's the fifth uninked page from Catwoman #25
Here's the fourth uninked page from Catwoman #25
Paul is now working on page 7 of the 26th issue of Catwoman.
Here's the third uninked page from Catwoman #25
Here's the second uninked page from Catwoman #25
Todd, I loose your e-mail address. Can you send me a blank mail?
Hi guys! Time for the real thing. Paul just sent me copies of uninked Catwoman pages. Just let me time to scan them all. But fo now, take a look at the first page...
Another scan sent to me by Gustavo this time. It's the cover to the tradepaperback of Vampirella Vs the Cult of Chaos. Thanks Gustavo.
Another scan sent to me by Stu, it's the cover to the 85th issue of Vampirella. Thanks Stu.
Stu, again, just sent me a scan of the fourth cover to "Dark Horse Presents". And you now what? Well it's not a cover pencilled by Paul, as I told you before. Arf. Anyway, Stu sent me a good scan of the fifth cover.
Thanks to Stu, you're able to look at the front and the back covers of the "Sabre" graphic novel.
Dave just sent me an e-mail with a good news for all Gulacy's fans :
Big news! In the latest issue of the Comic Buyer's Guide (#1550 dated 8/1/03), Paul was ranked in the Top 10 for "favorite artist" by comic fans, as part of the CBG Fan Awards for 2003. Paul was even voted ahead of John Byrne who was # 15. George Perez was # 1, Jim Lee was # 3, John Romita Jr. was # 4, Alan Davis was # 6 , Joseph Michael Linsner was # 7 and Paul Gulacy was # 10. Can you believe it?! Awesome. Paul's back in the spotlight again. This is quite an accomplishment considering all of the talented artists that are around these days. Most likely, his work on the MOKF Max series and Reload helped bring him back to the attention of many fans, both new and old. |
Another mail by Dave :
Just to let you know, the Jack Kirby Collector # 38 (tabloid size) included some brief comments by Paul about Kirby's influence on comics, a reference to one of Paul's favorite Kirby comic storylines (involving Captain America) and a new drawing of Nick Fury by Paul (a headshot only). It covered about a third of a page & was titled The Paul Gulacy Perspective. I was actually hoping that it would have been a several page interview, but what can you do. It also featured comments by Steve Rude, Roy Thomas & Steve Englehart on Kirby. |
Here's the first cover and San Diego Comicon promo art for Catwoman #25 colored by Laurie Kronenberg who will handle all colors.
Here is the cover that Dave just sent me... Who said I needed proof?
Ok, the problem with Dave is that this guy knows EVERYTHING about Paul's work. So I told you that the artwork linked below was an unpublished one! Big mistake .
In fact it has been used as the cover to "The Southern Squadron: Freedom of Information Act #4" in April of 1992 by Eternity Comics.
Let's get selfish a little bit. Tommorow is my birthday! I will be 30. If you want to send me a mail to wish me a good birthday, that would be cool!
I'm back on business. Well until my computer crashes again. Anyway, here's a cool unpublished pencil work by Paul.
Thanks to Gustavo, from Spain, you can take a look at the 16ht page of Omni Comix, vol. 1, issue #3.
At last! Yep at last an update. And this time, we have to thanks Stu for sending me this gif file. Good work Stu.
Here are some words by Paul :
Hello everyone, It's come to my attention that it's been way too long since I got in here and said anything. Just simply been very busy and on top of that I've moved into a new residence. The same goes for Matt on the other side of the Atlantic. On top of that, his clunky computer hasn’t been much help. [ha ha]. So, without further delay I want to say a few words about the Mallorca Con I attended a few weeks back before too much time goes by. This has been my third invitation to Spain and every visit has been a fun, exciting and rewarding experience. The Spanish people are the best. They have a true committed and supportive high regard for the comic book art form that I’ve yet to see anywhere else. I want to again extend my gratitude to Jaume Vaquer who hosted and coordinated the week long celebration. He and his committee put on a great show and everyone had a marvellous time. I got to see my old pal Jim Starlin after twenty years or so and meet his girlfriend, the lovely Sunni. Also on hand was Darick"El Toro" Robinson with his wonderful wife and young son. All the cool Spanish artists were there and the final night was a huge party with yours truly being dragged out of my chair to do my Frank Sinatra impression. It was all good. Espana es el Bomb. 'nuff said. As I write this, Warren Ellis, Jimmy Palmiotti and myself wrap up the third issue of Reload. The response so far: everybody is digging it. Truth of the matter--with a script like Warren's, you can't go wrong. Next up---CATWOMAN. The monthly book. Dan Dideo at D.C. said he wanted that Reload team on the series and he got it. I’m dying to do this character and work with Ed Brubaker and Jimmy again, y'all.Sexy Selina, martial arts, Gotham, Robert Mitchum, freaky villains... Whoa... As always, stay tuned folks and stay well. Peace, PG |
Oops! Almost three weeks without news! Well for the only one guy out there who's a MoKF fan, , here's a cool drawing. Thanks AGAIN to Dave for sending me this drawing. Let me hug you my friend!
Paul just moved on into a new town. Here's his new address :
3116 s.w. 153rd drive
Beaverton, Oregon 97006
phone:[503] 350-0392
Here are the three ( 1 - 2 - 3 ) covers to the Spanish copies of Master of Kung Fu. Thanks Marco.
Thanks to Marco, the list part 4 will be updated soon enough! Thanks Man
Convention News
Click here to go to the Official website to the Kansas City Comicon. Thanks Dave, again!
Convention News
Thanks to Dave for sending me this news :
Paul is scheduled to be one of the featured guests at the Kansas City Comicon on Nov. 15-16, 2003 at the Shawnee Civic Center. Admission is $5.00 each day. Other guests include Norm Breyfogle, Bill Willingham and Casey Jones.
Here's another CD jacket design Paul did for New York rap Artist Ill Bill. Good One.
Cool, sorry great, nope I mean really fresh illustration from Paul for "Magic The Gathering : 10TH Anniversary Pro Tour". Colors by Paul Mounts
Here's an old interview of Paul taken from the Popimage website.
More news almost news, on the Shang Chi moive here
Here are two (1 - 2) links to some news about the "The Hands of Shang Chi" soon to be shot movie. Thanks to Edgar for sending me those links.
Convention News
If you happen to be in the vicinity of the southern coast of Spain be sure to drop by the island of Majorca for the annual Comic Exposition and Lecture Series. Featured guests include Paul Gulacy, Darick Robertson, Jim Starlin and many others. Also on hand is huge comic enthusiast Steve Marque and his touring band THE LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH providing nightly entertainment to the masses. Mucho grande!
Two new reviews for the first issue of "Reload". The first from the Robin Goodfellow Website, and the second on the Movie Poop Shoot one.
If you want to know more about Warren Ellis, writer of "Reload", check his site, or go there and you'll find I think all his bibliography.
Paul just sent me this, another review of the first issue of "Reload". By Tony Witt.
Thanks to Dave for sending me this address. It's a review for the first issue of "Reload"
The List Part 4 has been updated. Did you know that "Crimson Empire" has been released in Poland?
Here you can read a review of the first issue of "Reload", by Gail Haley.
Here's a link to the interview Paul gave to the guys at ComiXtreme.
Right now, I have some big problems with my computer. I just get back on the 'Net. Tomorrow I'll try to update the site.
Here's the first cover to "Reload", the next miniseries from Paul Gulacy, and Warren Ellis as writer
Here's the second cover for "Reload". And here's the ninth inked page from the first issue.
Here's the CD cover for hip hop artist Necro, that Paul did. Colors by Laurie Kronenberg.
Necro might be the next Eminem. He's got a huge underground following. He comes out of Brooklyn.
The last two penciled pages taken from "Reload" that I have
Two more penciled pages taken from "Reload"
Issue #1 page 6 and page 7.
The last two I have, well see you tomorrow!
Thanks to Markus, a french guy who sent me those files, you can have a look at some cool penciled pages taken from the next miniseries from Paul and Doug, "Reload"
Issue #1 page 4 and page
5. More tomorrow!
Folks! I'm back to work on the site.
Here the cover to the fourth issue of
Thanks to Stu, take look to the end of the Bat Story from Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy.
Beware folks! This art is from the begining of Paul carreer,
way back... Well a long time ago! Paul was a young artist back then!
Yes! I'm back! So first of all, happy new year to all of you! I have my new computer running, so there will be some new scans soon enough! Take care.